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The defacto paper of the Knighthawks Military Council.

Pres: Bree K | VP: LanyIsLost | SG: BOUD1CCA | Cr: F0rse7i | Spokesman: ronnyjnrjnr

Back from break and ready to jump back in

11 2,098일 06:56 Australia에 게시 Australia 정치 논쟁 및 분석 정치 논쟁 및 분석

Hi 🙂 probably havent missed me but i have missed u guys! especially LanyIsLost 's messages in the shoutbox always making me feel good when signing in 😃

thank you to Paul and Marcos for everything they did for me. when Greenand Gold broke down

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Change of orders for Regiment 3 Hawks

2 2,074일 00:47 Australia에 게시 Australia 전투 명령(BO) 전투 명령(BO)

The president posted an urgency in Northern Territory battle for Iran with handful of points between Iran and Indonesia. since there's plenty of time for the Queensland battle now only in battle number 2 i've changed my regiment's orders to Iran for

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Bree's congress presentation

12 2,073일 17:30 Australia에 게시 Australia 정치 논쟁 및 분석 정치 논쟁 및 분석

My name is Bree under the game name bk83 and I'm standing for congress as a member of the APP. Out of the game I'm an Australian citizen born in South Africa and my family have lived here since I was small. starting off with some honesty i'm not an

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A plea from a South African Australian

13 2,067일 11:36 Australia에 게시 Australia 정치 논쟁 및 분석 정치 논쟁 및 분석

If you read the latest NAN article http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/news-from-inside-2292905/1/20 you'll see South Africa is in hot water from Indonesia and natural enemy Brazil. when CP Molly Jo sought to leave NAN in favour of TWO faction i

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troubles ahead

21 2,026일 03:54 Australia에 게시 Australia 정치 논쟁 및 분석 정치 논쟁 및 분석

now the ARP government have won the election their policies will come with it including the plan to align with the TWO faction. Molly Jo CP said in latest article only TWO pacts will be funded by her government. so far no articles have been

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