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‘Cor Blimey! Who in the world is this Pom?

7 490일 02:38 Australia에 게시 Australia

Hello my fellow Australians! I am DonMogul, I have recently joined this great nation of ours, and I am now standing for Congress in the Northern Territory.

Now why should you vote for some guy who until very recently was a Brit?

Firstly mates,

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Hello Australia!

4 489일 05:27 Australia에 게시 Australia

After a long stint in the UK, I have at last joined my RL countrymen in our beloved sunburned country! While in the UK, I became Congressman in London, Director of the London branch of the National Health Service, Under Minister for Health and was

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Why I *AM* Voting on 5 February

16 441일 01:40 United Kingdom에 게시 United Kingdom 정치 논쟁 및 분석 정치 논쟁 및 분석

This article is written in response to this article written for the Bristol Herald by Rayf Drayson www.erepublik.com/en/article/why-i-am-not-voting-on-5-february-

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[DonMogul] TUP for Congress in London!

4 394일 14:16 United Kingdom에 게시 United Kingdom

Dear all citizens of London,

The Congress elections are swiftly approaching and I am your The Unity Party (TUP) candidate. The TUP has been going from strength to strength in recent times and has been a major force in making the United Kingdom

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London NHS Clinic OPEN! (The London Informant - Issue FOUR)

2 366일 19:24 United Kingdom에 게시 United Kingdom

The London branch of the National Health Service is now open! The two directors, DonMogul and srachit are now ready to serve London!

If you live in London AND your wellness is below 95, add the London Clinic to your friends list and please

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