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(ex Funk Nacional, cometi fail y se borraron todos los articulos :( )

Ex Problems Officer, nombre para joder.

Libertad de expresion: Decirle a otros lo que no quieren escuchar/leer

[Aviso parroquial # 10] reaccion argentochilena ante el NE serbio a USA

11 3,522일 13:31 Peru에 게시 Peru 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락

Considerando el desliz del NE de serbia a EEUU, nuestras fuentes nos indican de la nueva moda y hit que se ha dado por el cono sur del continente, al son de las mas bajas pasiones pelvicas y de movimiento de coxis que genera la sola idea que serbia

확장 »

13// 9.1 millions of cc | Data of CO of greek/slovenian war

43 3,438일 08:26 Peru에 게시 Peru 전장 분석 전장 분석

After the war, i did my homework and check about the cc expended in CO in the epic battle of Greece vs Slovenia.

This data is by MU and country.
Part I: Greek side

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[16 millions CC] : Data por UM y pais (RW ser/chi) que paso ayer?

71 3,391일 09:13 Peru에 게시 Peru 전장 분석 전장 분석

Ayer vimos una excepcional noche de muchas COs en la RW de serbia vs chile
Yesterday we saw an excepcional night of a lor of COs in the rw of serbia vs chile.

Hice mi tarea y aqui muestro lo gastado por el lado chileno, ya que algun comentarista

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Open letter to australia {updated} [ENG/ESP]

72 3,358일 05:29 Peru에 게시 Peru 정치 논쟁 및 분석 정치 논쟁 및 분석

Ok i will add my pepper here:

1)All relations with Peru and Australia were fine.. What happened?

2) Don croata II joined to Australia and as a requirement to put it into Adriatica, he made his Cromega version of MU in australia as a "national

확장 »

BOL (104) - CRO (14) Bolivia merece regiones // Bolivia deserves regions

79 3,344일 15:56 Peru에 게시 Peru 전장 분석 전장 분석

[ES] English version below

Creo que es momento de darle un mejor sitio y con mayor autonomía e independencia a una naciente y novedosa nación sudamericana: eBolivia.

Y es que muchos la han toveado, menospreciado, tratado como patio trasero.

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