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My own meandering thoughts...
Medal Mogul Medal accomplished on Day 1,531

Fade to Black

16 4,190일 19:23 Ireland에 게시 Ireland 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락

As the dust settled, evening approached. The threat has been repelled, for the time being. He gazes up at the moon. He’s looked up at the moon many times before, but this time it was … 확장 »

Time Marches On

26 4,180일 20:25 Ireland에 게시 Ireland 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락

He steps out of his tent. The place he calls home. He didn’t choose to be here, but he is and that’s all that matters at this moment. Rain drips on his helmet. The tapping of rain drops help drown out … 확장 »

I did a thing...

23 4,166일 19:55 Ireland에 게시 Ireland 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락

So just the other day Clopoyaur had his 7 year anniversary stream. During his stream he had a 5 million cc pyramid. You can imagine the … 확장 »

Have you...?

27 4,159일 18:53 Ireland에 게시 Ireland 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락

Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and truly saw yourself in your reflection? Do you see what everyone else sees? Do you like what you see? … 확장 »

Something old, Something new. Something borrowed. Something blue.

12 4,148일 07:36 Ireland에 게시 Ireland 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락

"Sgt. MacKenzie" is a lament written and sung by Joseph Kilna MacKenzie, in memory of his great-grandfather who was killed in combat during World War I. It has been used in films and television, most notably the 2002 movie We Were Soldiers, as well

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