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statisztikák, számítások, meg néha más

gerilla taktikák infók...

26 1,949일 12:55 Japan에 게시 Japan eRepublik 첫 걸음 eRepublik 첫 걸음


I am writing today guerrialla tactics.
I'm sorry, it's just the Hungarian version is available on.

Gondoltam megosztok veletek pár élményt tapasztalatot a gerilla harccal kapcsolatban.

Az irányító gombok:

확장 »

Guerrilla fight online! / gerilla harc pár infó

36 1,947일 06:22 Japan에 게시 Japan eRepublik 첫 걸음 eRepublik 첫 걸음

Hi! - magyar verzió lenn

Guerrilla fight online!

a.) hit chance
b.) opponent distance
c.) grenade damage

확장 »

How to make: columns in article...

38 1,944일 11:56 Japan에 게시 Japan eRepublik 첫 걸음 eRepublik 첫 걸음


How to make: write beside image

its simple...

source code:

[img]picture direct link[/img]
확장 »

rocket correction

2 1,937일 11:07 Japan에 게시 Japan 재정 사업 재정 사업


I made a mistake in my previous article. Here is the correction.

incorrectly calculated the rocket prices (not 확장 »

Economy at day 1933 / Gazdaság az 1933-as napon

2 1,933일 13:31 Japan에 게시 Japan 재정 사업 재정 사업


magyar lentebb...

I checked the Japanese economy:

Food resource
Weapon resource
확장 »