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basically shitposts

[Astrid4Queen] Is This The Real Life

9 2,630일 06:04 United Kingdom에 게시 United Kingdom 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락

Attention, all!

The current CP race is just too boring, polite and generally lacking in scandalous articles and/or slanderous accusations!

What has our society come to? Are we the result of thousands of Days of civilization, or are we the eUK?

확장 »

Free Thanks from Hail Astrid

76 2,627일 03:19 United Kingdom에 게시 United Kingdom eRepublik 첫 걸음 eRepublik 첫 걸음

So I've been seeing so many giveaways, and how well-received they are. So I thought I'd do one too!

Until I realized that I didn't have a lot of stuff to

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What The eUK Needs: Brilliant Ideas That I Came Up With

11 2,621일 05:51 United Kingdom에 게시 United Kingdom 정치 논쟁 및 분석 정치 논쟁 및 분석

Having been here for 30 days, I have seen some interesting things.

To put it mildly.

However, this is not the place to question the eUK's peculiar obsession with bananas, somewhat

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If You're Gonna Be A Dead Citizen...

6 2,617일 06:57 United Kingdom에 게시 United Kingdom eRepublik 첫 걸음 eRepublik 첫 걸음

Plato: "To get this shiny achievement on your profile, I ask of you only one thing..."

You: "What?"

Plato: "That you must die."


You: "Cool. Where do I sign up?"

Seriously, … 확장 »

Plato, Stahp

8 2,615일 07:36 United Kingdom에 게시 United Kingdom 재정 사업 재정 사업

At first, I was like, meh.

But then...

And it was free the first time.

[img]http://m.quickmeme.com/img/f7/[/img] … 확장 »