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7 1,606일 12:30 Greece에 게시 Greece 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락

MKD Channel BREAKING NEWS: Elvis Presley lives and becomes a citizen

The day that millions of fans of the King of the Rock n Roll all over the world is finally came!

The King of the Rock n Roll, Elvis Presley has submitted his papers

확장 »


4 1,606일 09:08 Greece에 게시 Greece 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락

1) What ancient historians wrote

"In the past you rivaled the Achaians and the kinsmen Macedonians and their
ruler, Philip, about the hegemony and glory, but now that the freedom of the
Hellenes … 확장 »

Λίγα (;) λόγια για την λήθη

14 1,593일 15:40 Greece에 게시 Greece 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락

Πολλοί λέτε ότι τα ζητήματα RL θα πρέπει να μένουν μακριά από το παιχνίδι.

Συμφωνώ μαζί σας. Ξέρω επίσης ότι με δυσκολία θα πατήσω το κουμπί "Publish" όταν το τελειώσω...

Έχω ένα κακό όμως... κολλάω όταν με trollάρουν, έτσι νόμιζα τουλάχιστο

확장 »

For our neighbors attacking to us from yesterday

10 1,590일 22:49 Greece에 게시 Greece 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락

I didn’t knew that this new but glorious and with thousands of years history country was in Balkans, in our neighborhood... I surely need education....

I didn’t knew for the people, the warlords and the

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Τι καλά που ήμαστε εδώ στα eβαλκάνια….

15 1,590일 11:35 Greece에 게시 Greece 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락

Όταν διάβασα κάπου για το παιχνίδι και γράφτηκα δεν περίμενα ότι λίγες μέρες μετά θα καθόμουν μπροστά σε έναν υπολογιστή και θα «αρθρογραφούσα» για την ζωή στο ίδιο το παιχνίδι….

Πριν λίγο τελείωσε μια μάχη μαζί με όσες σοκολάτες η καραμέλες (ότι

확장 »