Hello Greece!

Day 2,122, 07:59 Published in Greece Serbia by Kheshig

Отишао сам другари, нажалост на одређено време прекидам битке из историје. Али ћу се вратити и наставити, тако да нека вам суб остане. Нећу писати ван задатих тема много и тако вас смарати чланцима. : )

Hello friends, let me introduce myself first. I'm RL Serbian and history student, some of you may know me from article about Greek history. Big thanks to your current CP Marianiki4 and melini for granting me Greek citizenship, it is great honor to me.

In erepublik I'm ex Srpska Patriotska Liga (SPL) member and party official. Also I'm press director of newspaper „Winterfell direwolves“ and I write mostly articles about history, mainly about great battles of history such as battles of Marathon, Gaugamela, Ipsus, Trebia, Cannae, Kursk etc.

I look forward to living in eGreece. I had big respect for you when you were our enemies, I respect you more as friends. I hope our friendship will grow into a brotherhood. I hope to meet some new friends so please add me as friend. : )

If you have something to ask, share experience or just chat, send me an IGM. I will be happy to meet you all. : )

That's all for now, thank you again for accepting me into your community.

Proud eGreek citizen and RL Serbian,
