Congress, Fed PP Elections, Stuff

Day 667, 10:15 Published in USA USA by citizenslave
Citizenslave for Congress
Congratulations to Captain Panther
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Federalist Party Literature

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Citizenslave for Congress
Hello, eUSA. My name is citizenslave, and I'm running for congress.

I will be posting updates over the next few days as things solidify, but running for Congress as a 'sixth party' candidate means I don't have quite the same choices available to me as those in the top 5 parties. The Wiki is pretty vague about how congressional elections work with respect to party size and I remember last election there was some confusion about why every Federalist running for congress was running as a member of another party.

I am going to attempt to explain how this works here.

When Congressional Elections come around, candidates from the top 5 parties are offered on the ballot for each region. If any top 5 party does not have a candidate in the race for any region, only then are 6th party candidates shown, still in order of population. In the eUS, so many players are eager to run for office that each top 5 party tends to have a candidate for every region. This pushes the 6th party candidates off the ballot.

Often, more than one candidate will attempt to run for any one seat in any one region under any one party. Only in these cases where there are more candidates from a single party than there are seats available for the region they're trying to run in does the Party President get to make a choice of which candidate to appear on the ballot. If only one candidate is available, they are automatically on the ballot. This fact of game mechanics is the reason for 'blocking' candidates who will enter a race under a certain party's banner so that they can be selected over any other candidate by the Party President. The idea is that the 'blocking' candidate can be chosen and not supported to essentially surrender the race to another candidate, but prevent candidates which may reflect poorly on their party from running and maybe winning.

Another option in these cases is to invite a candidate from a 6th party to temporarily join the top 5 party and be selected by the Party President to run for congress. The candidate's regular party will then be responsible for mobilizing votes to elect the candidate. After the election, the congressman is free to return to their original party. The political statistics and party congressional rosters are updated accordingly as if the candidate had run under their original 6th party all along.

Since selection by the top 5 party's president is a requirement in the event that any other candidates have entered the race, it is necessary for 6th parties to maintain good relations with the top 5 parties. Only by working with the top 5s can a 6th party get on the congressional ballot.

This arrangement is also beneficial to the top 5 party. By supporting the election of a 6th party candidate, they are securing an ally in congress and preventing their opponents from gaining one. While a 6th party may not be able to get on the ballot themselves, what they CAN do without assistance is prevent candidates from winning in favor of other ones by organizing their voters to focus for or against a certain candidate. By inviting a 6th party candidate onto their ballot, a top 5 party is focusing the 6th party's voters on electing someone of their own rather than denying any top 5 candidates a seat. It also reflects well on the top 5 party for selecting qualified, active, and intelligent congressmen from across party lines to help bring the eUS together.

Coming back to my own run, I have been asked by one of the top 5 parties to run under their ballot, but they have not yet told me which region I should register in. I look forward to the race and wish the best of luck to all candidates. I will be publishing a more detailed platform and other information about my campaign over the next few days.

Thanks for reading.

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Congratulations to Captain Panther

After a competitive election between Captain Panther and the Federalist Party's Sekretarie of Lolcats, Capt. Wolf, Captain Panther emerged with over 70% of the vote and a clear mandate to continue the stunning progress the Federalist Party has made over the past two months under the leadership of Fingerguns.

Following the election, Fingerguns has agreed to take on Captain Panther's old role as Military Liaison and Commandant of the Federalist Training Division. I have also been appointed to the Vice-Presidency, which in practice means nothing more than to officially merge my previous two positions of Federalist Party Business Manager and Director of the Federalist Outreach Program until suitable replacements can be found to provide these departments with the focus they need. All other party staff have been retained in their previous positions.

I look forward to an exciting month of growth under Captain Panther's presidency. Congratulations also to the other Party Presidents on their recent election successes.

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Also in the News

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Fed Revival, Part II - Fingerguns
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Memoirs of the CvP - Dodgercatcher
Ignorance - DanielCD
MI Battle Cry - MI Press

Follow DoD Orders!

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Federalism in eRepublik