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The official Press Room of the United States. Check here, for all official announcements from your government.

WHPR [Day 1,006] - Rainbows and the Future

28 Giorno 1,006, 19:27 Pubblicato in USA USA

Today Sucks

Honestly. I’m not writing another “We rock so hard. Victory. lol” article. I don’t understand. Is there another type of White House Press Release? Oh well, apparently I have to do one anyway.

Russian Invasion

We … leggi di più »

WHPR [Day 1,005] - We Did It, America

46 Giorno 1,005, 20:44 Pubblicato in USA USA

We own Russia

This is the most exciting moment I've had in eRepublik. Without a doubt. We just participated in the biggest battle of V2, by far. I can just say that, without even checking the stats. I sat in #defense with all my fellow … leggi di più »

WHPR [Day 1,004] - Gratitude, Western Siberia, and Media

18 Giorno 1,004, 20:17 Pubblicato in USA USA

Department of Defense. Or Media.

At this point, I’m not even sure anymore. That is a fantastic thing. The war isn’t over. We are pushing hard. We need Krems in the Kremslin. Right now, we are working hard to keep up our series of … leggi di più »

WHPR [Day 1,003] - ~VICTORY~

23 Giorno 1,003, 19:34 Pubblicato in USA USA

I Can See Russia from my Russian House

It’s pretty easy to see Russia when you are in fact in Russia. Owning it. We did good America. I apologize for bloodstains that may/may not be covering this release. Your very own Secretary of Media … leggi di più »

WHPR [Day 1,002] - FER and Press Conference *UPDATED TIME*

13 Giorno 1,002, 19:43 Pubblicato in USA USA

Far Eastern Russia

Oh my. A relevant battle. I tried like eight different titles for that and just ended up being boring. Sue me. This is a critical battle. Winning this would be a big deal and at the time of writing, we are storming the … leggi di più »