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The New World vs. The Real World

13 Giorno 1,896, 05:34 Pubblicato in Japan Japan Svago Svago

Another interesting picture, you can see what did we accomplish during this 5 years in comparison with the real world. E-republik team gathered some data to see how it compares to the real world and you … leggi di più »

New map and war modul ( update PVP modul )???

16 Giorno 1,894, 12:54 Pubblicato in Japan Japan Svago Svago

Recently I come across on some interesting articles on e-rep and I noticed that nobody didn't mentioned this in eJapan, so I wanted to share the news with you guys.

New Map:
Probably some of you … leggi di più »

Cрећан Божић/Merry Christmas ( Cрп/Eng )

7 Giorno 1,875, 05:06 Pubblicato in Japan Japan Svago Svago

Желим да искористим ову прилику и честитам свим грађанима eЈапана православне вероисповести ( Србима, Македонцима, Румунима, Бугарима, Русима итд... ) и пожелим вам срећан Божић.

Желим вам добро здравље, … leggi di più »

How players see each other in e-rep

18 Giorno 1,869, 13:35 Pubblicato in Japan Japan Svago Svago

I recently came across on some interesting picture in some article, maybe some of you have seen it earlier but still I think is worth showing it to the people. Intresting and very true xD

[img]http://[/img] … leggi di più »

Culture Japan: Christmas in Japan

6 Giorno 1,862, 12:49 Pubblicato in Japan Japan Svago Svago

Dear (e)readers you are reading my first issue of article Culture Japan, there will be more in the future. As you all can presume in articles with Culture Japan in their names, I will write about culture, … leggi di più »