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Greetings from the Halls of the ADP

29 Giorno 2,495, 07:46 Pubblicato in Australia Australia Primi passi in eRepublik Primi passi in eRepublik

Well hello everyone, particularly my friends, brothers and sisters in the ADP!

Our new Party President (PP), Sir Skillet, has wisely/ foolishly (you decide!) asked me to be the Official Spokesman for the best, the biggest, the most awesomest

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Occasional ramblings

21 Giorno 2,444, 21:05 Pubblicato in Australia Australia Svago Svago

Well, hello eAustralia!

Been a while since my last article so I thought I might as well throw something out now since I’m just back from my RL holidays and can’t really be bothered to do any work this week…

So what to write about?


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Get Involved - eAustralia Ambassador Program - Update

14 Giorno 2,361, 22:52 Pubblicato in Australia Australia Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

Hello everyone!

I wanted to give you a quick update on the various embassies we have set up under the Ambassador Program.

We now have embassies with the following countries:

Taiwan - cammick

Peru - Springthief

UK - MarkTD

Iran -

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Get Involved - eAustralia Ambassador Program

5 Giorno 2,339, 23:48 Pubblicato in Australia Australia Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

Hello everyone!

A quick intro first – I’m Mongoosier, I first joined eAussie very briefly waaaaaaay back in 2008 but have only been active (and I use the term very loosely) for the past couple of months.

I’ve been looking for ways to get more

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eAustralians Defiant amid Political Turmoil

4 Giorno 2,315, 18:46 Pubblicato in Australia Australia Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

Walking the streets of any of the occupied territories of eAustralia is an eerie business these days. The ecitizens one meets out and about appear to be going about their work normally enough, but there are far fewer than one would usually expect

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