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Articles regarding foreign policy and eHistory, occasionally something else.

Foreign Affairs - From idealism to power politics

31 Giorno 3,068, 05:04 Pubblicato in Finland Finland Analisi di guerra Analisi di guerra

Management of the foreign affairs of a nation is of crucial importance - no matter how distant it might seem for a citizen mainly concerned about nation’s internal affairs. The way your administration plans and operates in foreign affairs determines

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[Presidentti] Kauden päätösartikkeli

9 Giorno 3,061, 08:07 Pubblicato in Finland Finland Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

[This is the last article of my term in Finnish, apologies once more for my international readers]

([Se aito ja alkuperäinen] Temski) leggi di più »

Organizations, Persian mercenaries and the United States

40 Giorno 3,048, 08:36 Pubblicato in Finland Finland Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

The president of the United States, Israel Stevens, published an article a while back, sparking an international debate about the purported theft and about, well, the

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[Presidentinvaalit] Julle4CP - vaalimainos

22 Giorno 3,027, 00:00 Pubblicato in Finland Finland Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

[Again apologies to my international readers, this article is only in Finnish as I'm running for the presidential seat and therefore addressing mainly the people of Finland.]

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[Presidentinvaalit] Taasko?

31 Giorno 3,023, 05:08 Pubblicato in Finland Finland Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

[Apologies to my international readers, this article is only in Finnish as I'm running for the presidential seat and therefore addressing mainly the people of Finland.]

Nyt kun edellisen presidenttikauden rasituksista on ehditty hengähtää … leggi di più »