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The weed is mightier than the sword.

Damn Weather! *(Rant)*

18 Giorno 781, 16:05 Pubblicato in Ireland Ireland

(So typically Irish to talk about the weather but anyway)
Is anyone else sick of the crappy weather we've gotten this winter? Okay, I suppose I should be grateful that I'm young and not as vulnerable as elderly people to this shocking weather, but

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6 Reasons to Vote Gormley

6 Giorno 766, 07:15 Pubblicato in Ireland Ireland

First of all Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you're having a nice day.

I wasn't online much the last couple of days due to the craziness of Christmas, so I didn't have time to do a proper manifesto. I'll just do a quick article now outlining

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Anyone For Some eCricket? :)

15 Giorno 716, 14:34 Pubblicato in Ireland Ireland

Sorry to distract you all from the exciting events of this amazing day. Not least of which is of course the close presidential election! Good luck, by the way, to Snake and Patton as the

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Gormley's Short Manifesto

18 Giorno 703, 07:40 Pubblicato in Ireland Ireland

I was gonna write out a long manifesto telling you why you should vote for me on Sunday. But, keeping in mind that many voters are calling for short manifestos, I will keep this short. If I were to write out a long manifesto I would basically be

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Congress Problems Already!

8 Giorno 675, 02:36 Pubblicato in Ireland Ireland

Many have complained about the departure of Congressmen before the end of term and the lack of effort from others. Yes, that is indeed a problem. It means our number of Congressmen are effectively as low as 30 on occasions.
Unfortunately, worse

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