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Jambo from Tanzania

[少数派报告第四期] D772战局分析及拉新人经验分享-我的第一篇中文贴

11 Giorno 772, 18:04 Pubblicato in China China


我是土生土长的中国人,出生于被鸟国强取豪夺的辽宁,目前生活在魔都上海。在eChi na中我于D749出生在上海,混迹于土共,目前在美国参军为所谓的“亚洲解放”运动 每天贡献自己一点刚到三位数的damage。


希腊-土耳其,波兰-德国,罗马尼亚-匈牙利在捉对厮杀。而在巴黎和斯洛文尼亚相继被 攻克之后,西班牙和克罗地亚的火力将有机会输出到EDEN的 其他战场(尽管西班牙似乎仍然在不依不饶的进攻法国和意大利)。

而美国在成功拿 … leggi di più »

[少数派报告第三期] China, Join EDEN and Fight with Honor!

14 Giorno 765, 01:26 Pubblicato in China China

It may be a topic to be discussed (or already discussed, civilians have limited information) between the congresspersons. With all those threats/invasions from Phoenix and help from EDEN, China should make the decision to join EDEN now. EDEN army

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[少数派报告第二期] Thank You USA, Rise Up China!

1 Giorno 760, 01:00 Pubblicato in China China


Thank You USA!

Today many China citizens (including myself) are excited when we get the good news that USA will declare war against Iran and “free China”. Our American … leggi di più »

[少数派报告第一期] The First Letter

7 Giorno 758, 23:45 Pubblicato in China China


It's described as "strategy" game officially and has three main components: economy, politics, military. But it’s not a two-click everyday and to be the rich man game. Without wars spirits like team working, friendship, … leggi di più »