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[MoD] day 2685 - Syddanmark

1 Giorno 2,685, 15:08 Pubblicato in Denmark Denmark Ordini di guerra Ordini di guerra

The Swedes once again started a resistancewar in our regions, and of course we do not want that region free as it will give them more regions to attack after Sjaelland.
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[MoD] day 2679 - Sjaelland

0 Giorno 2,679, 06:09 Pubblicato in Denmark Denmark Ordini di guerra Ordini di guerra

Sjaelland is released for the Congress election in a few days.

When released please remember to run for Congress in your party.

If we need you to move, you will receive
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[QoD] PP election - use your vote wisely

1 Giorno 2,672, 05:37 Pubblicato in Denmark Denmark Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

We are voting for new Party Presidents today, and we need to be a little organized like always.

In 2 of our parties we have only one candidate (PTO´ers and Venstre) and
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[MoD] day 2671 - Germany vs. Montenegro

5 Giorno 2,671, 03:15 Pubblicato in Denmark Denmark Ordini di guerra Ordini di guerra

Montenegro was defeated in their first attack yesterday, and now Germany is returning the "favor" and is attacking.

Please show some vikingpower and help in the German
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[MoD] day 2670 - Germany - North Rhine-Westphalia

2 Giorno 2,670, 04:39 Pubblicato in Denmark Denmark Ordini di guerra Ordini di guerra

Montenegro is attacking our Unionpartner, and of course we will do our very best to help. Please fight on German side, and let´s show some real Viking-power!.

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