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Airstrikes all over the world!!!

11 Giorno 2,354, 07:44 Pubblicato in Netherlands Netherlands Analisi di guerra Analisi di guerra

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[CoC] Reminder: Referendum

5 Giorno 2,322, 10:55 Pubblicato in Netherlands Netherlands Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

[English Version Below]

Beste Burgers van eNederland,

Graag wil ik u er aan herinneren

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Election day: Vote Trannsvaal!

8 Giorno 2,237, 15:17 Pubblicato in Netherlands Netherlands Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

Dear citizens of the eNetherlands,

Now the time has come to vote for the new CP, I will repost the information of my previous articles. If you midded it before or are still undecided, … leggi di più »

Trannsvaal I: The Cabinet

22 Giorno 2,235, 17:17 Pubblicato in Netherlands Netherlands Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

Dear citizens,

I hereby present you my cabinet. As you can see there are still some additions possible. And most of all, I'm still without a MoI. So if you wan't to join in, please send me a message!

Country President: Trannsvaal

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Trannsvaal for President!

16 Giorno 2,229, 11:37 Pubblicato in Netherlands Netherlands Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

[English version below]

Beste burgers van eNederland,

Zoals velen jullie al weten ben ik kandidaat in de aankomende presidentsverkiezingen. Dit artikel is er dan ook om duidelijk te … leggi di più »