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The Cattiest News on the Block.

A Kitty's Plea

47 Giorno 1,853, 19:29 Pubblicato in USA USA Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

I know what I wrote earlier today. I come to you today with something different. Something important.

AFA PTO'd Inci during the Party President elections. We know what … leggi di più »

Kitties for Bewbs but not the AFA

25 Giorno 1,853, 09:55 Pubblicato in USA USA Svago Svago

It's me.. AGAIN! So much writing - what has gotten into me? Well a lot to be honest. I've had some thoughts kicking about in my head, and guess what! Yes... You get to hear … leggi di più »

DoI and the Ebabies say Thank You!

18 Giorno 1,844, 12:27 Pubblicato in USA USA Svago Svago

So! As everyone knows DoI asked you all for donations a few days back. You guys are so amazing. You stepped up and donated your a$$es off! In our nation's lean times - these … leggi di più »

How to help an eBaby!

43 Giorno 1,840, 16:00 Pubblicato in USA USA Svago Svago

Mazzy Cat here! Today I want to talk to you about something very important in this game. Ebabies! That's right - our newbs. They are our foundation, our building blocks, and … leggi di più »

Why WTP?

39 Giorno 1,835, 09:11 Pubblicato in USA USA Svago Svago

Why WTP? Because I genuinely enjoy my time there. My work is noticed. My talents used in a way that makes me happy. It really is about each individual, but in a way that is … leggi di più »