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The first private eNewspaper to reach 1000 editions

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Trolling the trolls

21 Giorno 2,031, 00:06 Pubblicato in Ireland Ireland Svago Svago

Recently leadership has trolled our State Prior....Putting it in perspective beforehand he was mumbling something about beer gardens and sweet weather or was it sweet garden and beer weathers.

All I can say is SHAME ON YOU!


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The Feed the Hungry Wolf Pups and Chosen Wolf of The Month Article

34 Giorno 2,025, 03:38 Pubblicato in Ireland Ireland Svago Svago

First off to the chosen wolf of the month competition. We saw a very dignified campaign for president this month and that is largely due to all of the candidates treating each other with respect and our chosen wolf can be recommended for the way he

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Some nifty new features

4 Giorno 2,024, 06:29 Pubblicato in Ireland Ireland Svago Svago

On the eve of probably Sweet Drinkers term I came upon something weird. Perhaps this feature was available many moons ago but I anyway stumbled upon it by accident.

It seems there is a mobile version of the game available.

After login in or

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40 Giorno 2,020, 05:27 Pubblicato in Ireland Ireland Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

The ReleaseThe Krakken Term

What do I hope to accomplish: End the war with eUk , not commit to an alliance and improve our finances and something else … leggi di più »

WMD : Weapons of Minor Destruction - The Ireland Edition

11 Giorno 2,019, 00:08 Pubblicato in Ireland Ireland Svago Svago

Come on Ireland you can do it!!!!

And here is some pics to entertain you between eating your bacon sandwich , swigging done your whiskey and pressing FIGHT , FIGHT , FIGHT , FIGHT AT the UK Pixel nation.


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