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Getting back to the normal life of Erepublik

9 Giorno 22, 00:00 Pubblicato in USA USA

Great news today: we've been selected to be in the top 5 finalists of Le Web 3 – Start Up contest. We've made also an announcement on the blog here:

Meanwhile, Erepublik life it's getting back to it's

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Party Elections and modules again available

16 Giorno 20, 00:00 Pubblicato in USA USA

Today all the party members in Erepublik have voted their Presidents. If you didn't placed your vote yet there are still few hours time to do that. |||Also we made available again the modules that we're not available during the weeken😛
- create

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Modules temporary disabled

16 Giorno 19, 00:00 Pubblicato in USA USA

For security reasons we disabled the Monetary Market, Write article and Donations modules.|||Every Citizen that used those modules to get undeserved benefits has received a fine and was banned.
We will work on Monday to make available again the

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Help us building Erepublik

18 Giorno 18, 00:00 Pubblicato in USA USA

Many Citizens are testing our website for vulnerabilities. With such a complex structure as the Erepublik website, it is relatively easy to find ways to break the rules. |||Some Citizens are using those vulnerabilities instead of reporting them.

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We are back in the game

21 Giorno 17, 00:00 Pubblicato in USA USA

On the 5th of December some Citizens started to steal Gold from other Citizens using a security breach in the code. Because of the project complexity and because we've found out other security weak points, we've realized that it will take some

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