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Are we welcome in Canada?/Zijn we welkom in Canada?

2 Giorno 2,147, 12:51 Pubblicato in Netherlands Netherlands Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

The Canadian State of the Union Address covered the following On the war with eNetherlands...

"Apparently there was a lot of negotiating going on between the outgoing eCan Executive and the Executive of eNetherlands without the knowledge of

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Referendum Resultaten: De Poolse Land Vraag

3 Giorno 2,145, 00:03 Pubblicato in Netherlands Netherlands Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

Votes have been counted with the following results:

72% votes for Option 2
Option 2 😛oland is an evil tyrant which should be wiped off the planet. We should never … leggi di più »

Victory But the War Remains/Overwinning Maar de Oorlog Blijft

2 Giorno 2,143, 01:00 Pubblicato in Netherlands Netherlands Svago Svago

Most of the time the Pole comes first.

But not if you use the right equipment.

Although we have defeated one pole, many remain

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Referendum: The Polish Land Question / Referendum: De Poolse Land Vraag

31 Giorno 2,137, 12:03 Pubblicato in Netherlands Netherlands Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

Recent comments regarding certain events in E-Netherlands have caused confusion here at the Volks blad in respect of Poland and the land question and where the loyalties of our community lies and should lie.
To clear up these questions we ask you

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