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AAF Weeks 126-129 and December Competition Report

10 Giorno 5,885, 04:39 Pubblicato in Armenia Armenia Analisi di guerra Analisi di guerra

"First we only want to be seen, but once we’re seen, that’s not enough anymore. After that, we want to be remembered."
- Emily St. John … leggi di più »

Armenia Ground Rank Program Weeks 65-68

6 Giorno 5,869, 05:51 Pubblicato in Armenia Armenia Analisi di guerra Analisi di guerra

Great man are not born great, they grow great. - Mario Puzo

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AAF Weeks 122-125 and November Competition Report

7 Giorno 5,854, 16:16 Pubblicato in Armenia Armenia Analisi di guerra Analisi di guerra

"...The one thing I never counted on was having luck on my side. It was generally simpler that way."
- Alistair Reynolds, Chasm City[/leggi di più »

Armenia Ground Rank Program Weeks 61-64

13 Giorno 5,843, 04:35 Pubblicato in Armenia Armenia Analisi di guerra Analisi di guerra

Great man are not born great, they grow great. - Mario Puzo

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AAF Weeks 118-121 and October Competition Report

3 Giorno 5,827, 18:52 Pubblicato in Armenia Armenia Analisi di guerra Analisi di guerra

“‘If I should die,’ Dalinar said, ‘then I would do so having lived my life right. It is not the destination that matters, but how one arrives leggi di più »