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Patih Patih kerajaan Australayan

23 Giorno 949, 09:59 Pubblicato in Australia Australia

Kepada Yang Terhormat Patih Patih Kerajaan Australayan,

Sebelum Maha Patih (ketua kongres) Kerajaan Australayan terpilih, diharapkan para Patih patih kerajaan untuk selalu update dengan keadaan-keadaan yang terjadi di Kerajaan Australayan ini.

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[ANGEL-DEMON] Mengatasi Perekonomian

24 Giorno 940, 02:08 Pubblicato in Indonesia Indonesia

Angel-Demon adalah salah satu upaya mengatasi masalah dasar, masalah primer kita yaitu ekonomi.

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Economic Challange

21 Giorno 933, 00:18 Pubblicato in Indonesia Indonesia

Seperti yang kita ketahui bersama, setelah diterapkannya aturan mimin yang baru mengenai Treasure Map plus anti cheat program (level 12 baru bisa monex), beberapa hal yang sudah terprediksi sebelumnya mulai terjadi.

Volume Gold di monex eI,

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Letter to widdows9000

22 Giorno 932, 10:55 Pubblicato in Australia Australia

Dear Widdows9000,

I read your article about how admin pay back the lost Gold. But i've been searching any open letter to Admin about this matter, and I don't see any thread about this.

Are you using the proper channel contacting admin about

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Letter to Venja

21 Giorno 932, 00:15 Pubblicato in Australia Australia

As a Minister of Finance that make a huge mistake, I don't see any of your article about apologizing after you've done that very-very "FAIL" mistake. I know, widds just trying to cheer you up by refusing your resignation and at his article,

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