Writing to Write

Day 5,312, 12:56 Published in Japan Ireland by Songtsan Gampo

I have been floating on the tubes, chans, sites, and servers for the past several months. Not 100% aimlessly, with some increased demands on me as I was a Country President in recent memory and a multi-term MoD, now re-entering that position again soon; I thought I'd write a standard article for once instead of image pr0n. There is a small but significant project started (I believe) by a French Citizen named Citoyen Vigneron. In his Newspaper he started to collect several journalists to get some synopsis on world news, media, reports, and politics. It is multilingual and everyone contributing tends to have some different translated articles but there is a common thread of English (Which has always been eRepublik's key language for game updates, news, and broadcasting).

I have not followed each and every writer and have skipped some issues. However this collaboration is sorely needed. Long ago News in eRepublik was a blooming field of tabloids, muckraking, trolling, and gonzo journalism. It was extremely interesting. Now the game has become quiet, and non-sensational. Login, burn your energy on an epic, buy some butter and guns and repeat in xyz-hours. The Mega-Alliances are not expanding or contracting. They wittle down on each other only to allow Admins weird and frankly unrealistic determination system to rebalance territory control only to swap out aggressors to rinse-repeat the cycle.

It reminds me of the V1 Atlantis/PEACE-GC wars. Croatia and Serbia, early on, had several heated campaigns but at times it appeared to be a stalemate. Then something, which I never wrote about before began to enter my head. Cartels. The wars seem arbitrary. Less so than today, I mean campaigns back then were events, but I could see producers could probably sell q5 weapons to both sides. Or even Serbian dealers could be selling to Croatians and vise-versa just to ramp up profits and to exhaust foreign competitors. Perhaps Tirad's. Syndicates of arm dealers using conflict merely to break the back of the over all marketing situation.

Japan had such a group, the famed Black Dragon Society. Their industrial power was well known, they to a large extent, controlled most aspects of Japanese labor, sales, production, and GDP. Their aims seemed self explanatory, but they did have a mystery about them. Do conglomerates like this continue to operate? I have every reason to believe so. And with determination rules holding conquest in check, large scale world-wide training wars hold in large extent the same physical reality as even the real wars (due their ceaselessness), some people in this game have enormous hordes of gold, cash, and materials at their disposal.

In recent memory, kind of, the Serbian Controlled eUnited Arab Emirates, fell victim to a power vacuum as nearly all their top players were banned for cheating. I was not personally in any role in this but several circles were actually trying to fill that vacuum. Today the country is largely back to the pre-ban status-quo. But most people don't know the plight of small countries, they can be very fragile biomes.

Due in large part due to my rant, I forgot to highlight something. The fake-fake wars, and the fake-real wars have torn the game to shreds. The constant spilling of damage for trophies and out-hunting-the-hunters has left this eerie void. Every time there is some event like the current one, where gold is more important that cash, its just one post bin of repetitive garbage. I wish the game limited shouts in the friend feed to 5 shouts per day, or if you want to get spicy 3. Then maybe the social aspect of the game would be restored to a degree. Day after day in my waking hours, as I peruse, it does really seem no body online shouts (like 80-90% of the total online population).

Now to the last point of order. Vadaskertbenvok, better known as the guy who got temp (?) banned for voting your glorious posts, has now become Country President of the Magyars. I wish him well. He is a good chap that puts up with us far more than we deserve.

Admin still sucks,


PS: Vote, Subscribe, Shout, Endorse.