One of Many

Day 2,335, 22:59 Published in USA Ireland by Hanzio

The capitalist hoards of the uber-alliances and mega-nations have ripped this world apart, destroying all notion of sovereignty - bleaching citizens with the scourge of their gold swiping mono-cultures.

"Gold buying, card swiping. Gold buying, card buying. Gold buying, card swiping."

Sing it. Sing it loud. It's the new mantra. The mantra of defeat. The stinging, ear wrenching sound of small nations fizzling into nothingness. The sound of societies, networks, friendships, ambitions, fun, all disappearing in the white-noise of it all.

Game mode = Easy....... 1. Run to a big nation. 2. Join the army. 3. Suck up to the Elite. 4. Wipe out a small country 5. Wipe out every small country. 6. Welcome to 2clicksville - "Your country is now so big you WILL get bored, with no chance to do anything other than complete google forms and work, fight, work, swipe, work, fight, work, swipe etc etc etc"

- Large countries hell bent on aggressive expansion.

- A chasm of "haves and have nots" where small nations struggle to survive, whilst large nations count their hoards of gold.

- Corrupt politicians, obsessed with satiating their own ego-needs to maintain power, whilst most work and fight and work.

"eLife should never be this boring. eLife shouldn't be thus real." (AgentChieftain)

Stop sucking on the dry nipple of the Uber-Nations and Ultra-Alliances. They are the path to a dry mouth and an empty soul.

It's time to change the cadence. Change the tone. Change the pulse. Let's put this bitch on shuffle and try some new sounds. Let's dance to a new rhythm.

We envisage brilliant players unleashing their talent in the creation of a new way to play this game. We see small nations coming together as virtual meta-communities. We see huge resource pools being generated via big-nation bonuses, shared in meta-communes. We see a re-balancing of the eWorld Order, with YOU playing centre stage.

It's time to seek out the only thing in this game that ever got the juices flowing....join us......let's do this thing.



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Brought to you by David Smythe