Question to the CP candidates

Day 1,563, 23:56 Published in Canada Bulgaria by egad

Few days left to the next elections for country president. You can see the list with the official candidates so far. I can’t say I’m very surprised by the people I see there. I wouldn’t be surprised either when I see the results on the 6-th of March. But as the candidates are still in the middle of their campaign and we still wait for their official presentations there is one thing I would like to know. What is their opinion about Canada getting involved in a war? The situation in the whole eWorld is very boring and Plato did his best to make even the training wars meaningless. So I myself need some fun, some action, something that would keep me in this game. The only thing that would work for me is a war or even better to fight for new resources. The TEDEN countries have full domination and I can’t see a reason why don’t we take part in some risky operation. Even if we fail and lose some of our holdings we would be able to take it back in no time. So if someone of our candidates wants my vote please write something about your war intentions in your presentations. Thank you!