Military updates and daily food consumption information - UPDATE 3

Day 994, 09:52 Published in by Plato
UPDATE 3, Day 996, 08.50

Dear citizens,

This probably will be the last update to this Insider and we are planning tomorrow to focus on your questions in a Q&A Insider, like we’ve promised at the beginning of this week.
Right now we wanted to let you know what is the status on the Military Module changes.

The first improvement that you’ll notice tomorrow is that the turn time will be reduced to 2 minutes. This was one of the majors complains in the survey and, as we told you, we will focus on all of your problems, one at a time.

Another thing that would like to let you know is that also tomorrow, you will be able to experience some of the updates that we’ve announced yesterday: removal of the redeploy rule and health will go to 70 points.
We are waiting of course for your feedback about this features after you’ve tried them.

This is all for today, see you soon!

The eRepublik team

UPDATE 2, Day 995, 09:22 eRepublik time - Alliances and wars - what’s happening with them?

Dear citizens,

As we mentioned earlier today, we will keep you updated regarding pressing issues. We’re happy to finally announce that we solved another batch of issues caused by the security breach last week. We concentrated our efforts towards fixing the “mess” with the alliances so here is the story and the decisions that were taken so far.

The entire chain of problems started when the account of the Serbian and Hungarian presidents were compromised. The first battle that triggered all this “mess” was Serbia vs. Pakistan (link). When Serbia attacked, Hungary became automatically Pakistan’s ally in the battle and the alliance between Hungary and Serbia was automatically canceled.

Because Hungary, Serbia and Pakistan were neighbors at that moment, Hungary automatically attacked Serbia (link). To keep the story short, due to the “very easy” 😃 to understand chain reactions of the alliances (link), the gates of hell opened and the New World delicate balance started heading towards very unfair results.

Without further prolonging the tension, here are some of the important decisions taken:

1. The opened battle between Hungary and Poland was stopped and Podolia was given back to Hungary. If the security issues wouldn’t have occurred, Hungary would have had 10 alliances against Poland in this battle, but instead it had none, and lost. A main factor in our decision was that Poland used in this war Gold obtained through illegal methods.

2. Regarding the battle from Southern Grate Plain (SGP) between Romania and Hungary: Hungary got back all the alliances that it had before and, on the other hand, Romanian’s alliances were lost (all the allies were undeployed from the battle). This will give Hungary the chance to redeem all it’s lost territories and to concur new ones.

3. Additional battles that shouldn't have existed in the first place like were close😛 Serbia vs Croatia, Hungary vs.Serbia, Hungary vs.Slovenia.

4. Also, Hungary got back Galicia and Lodomeria.

5. Poland lost all his allies.

We will analyze what if and what penalties/fines need to be applied to the Romanian and Poland Presidents for agreeing and participating in all this situation.

Please take into account that this are not all the measures that will be taken so stay around for further updates.

The eRepublik Team

UPDATE 1, Day 995, 13.30 eRepublik time - The good and not so good news

Dear citizens,

The not so good news

The eRepublik engineers are still working on fixing the "mess" with the alliances (some of them where malevolently deleted as a result of the last security breaches).

Please be a little patient; we'll publish another update as soon we have good news (in the next few hours). We've read all your tickets and we’ve taken into account all your suggestions and complains.

The good news

As part of the security fixes, we've disabled for a limited period of time the embedding of images in articles. We're happy to announce that we tweaked this last final detail: you can use BBCodes in articles without any worries. For further information regarding BBCode usage, see the "all mighty" Wikipedia 🙂 article: please see following link: BBCode

The eRepublik team

I. Military updates

A. First of all, many players complain that capturing empty tiles is boring and unrewarding. They are right, this is why we are working on making the capture of empty tiles more rewarding.
We'll get back to you soon with the final details. Of course it would be very helpful if you could post feedback regarding this feature.

B. The first change, that is currently in testing, represents the removal of the redeploy rule. At the moment, when you retreat from the battlefield or when you get removed from the battlefield after a defeat you can only redeploy on the same tile or, if this tile belongs to the enemy now, on the nearest possible tile.
The problem is that the situation on the battlefield can change rather quickly within a few turns. In many cases this leaves you stranded on a tile far away from the front line, far away from a hospital and far away from your friends. This is especially worrying when you return to the battlefield after a few hours. So after a defeat or retreating, you will be able to deploy in the next turn on any tile owned by your side.

C. We also received a lot of complains regarding the health lost in a battle. Right now when you are defeated by an enemy, your health goes automatically to 40 points (the first 3 times). Well, we decided to change this feature also, so, in a very short time, we will make the following change: when you get defeated your health will go to 70 points (the first 3 times).
This will be a temporary measure, because it will depend on the Food Consumption Project’s evolution.

D. Last but not least, we are analyzing right now the weapon balancing. We received a lot of tickets and complains about this issue and we decided to fix it. Indeed, right now the weapon damage is unbalance😛

1. Tanks in the hands of high-skill and high-rank players are overpowered, while infantry units are too weak.
2. Tanks win most of the time.
3. Infantry rarely wins against other units.

How can we tackle this?

1. We will consider reducing the maximum critical hit chance.
2. We will consider reducing the maximum weapon damage
3. We will analyze the boosters' effects

This project is in the concept phase, but we wanted to let you know that we are working on it and that we are listening to your suggestions and working on implementing the most important and pressing ones.

II. Food Consumption Project - More information

As we announced in yesterday’s Insider, we wish to make changes in the way food is consumed in the New World.

At the moment, one unit of food is consumed from your inventory at the beginning of each eRepublik day. With these changes, you will be able to eat the first food from your inventory by clicking on a new button in the sidebar. Multiple times a day; you can restore up to 300 health/day this way.

Taking into consideration that the health and happiness given by certain food may be higher than what you need at a particular moment, you might want to edit your inventory before using this new feature. In case you do not have any food in your inventory, the same button will direct you to the marketplace.

Of course, the new introduced manual food consumption will make the automatic eating obsolete ; thus the food will not count in the beginning of the day’s calculation of health/happiness. The only item which will be taken under consideration will be the first house from your inventory. For those of you who like math, let’s describe the amount of health/happiness given by the first house with H. At the beginning of each day, each citizen will lose/gain X health/happiness points. Here is how X. is calculate😛

* If you have <=10 health: X = H-1
* If you have 10X = H-2
* If you have 50X = H-3
* If you have 80X = H-4

But wait, we have more good news for house companies owners. The amount of health given by the customization points of houses (the roof component of them) will be multiplied 5 (five) times. As an example, a Q5 house customized to give you maximum health now will give you 50 health per day.

And there’s more: the changes in houses will be made in the entire economy system of the New World. This means current citizens/organizations inventories, company stocks, company customization pages, marketplace offers and company for sale offers.

Along with these changes, we’re going to remove the “70 health check” feature (if you fight in a day, you will not receive a free 70 health bonus recovery the next day). It has become obsolete and... we admit it... we received more than the expected share of tickets from you complaining that it was not working properly.

That being said, we hope that we covered some of the worries you shared in the eRepublik Survey.

That being said, we wish good luck to all company owners!

Best regards,
The eRepublik team