[MoC] Union prize in literature - And the winner is..

Day 1,931, 04:26 Published in Germany Germany by Erste Hilfe

Since tomorrow is the day the CP changes and also the MoC, we are proud to announce that

Enyavar has won the first Union prize in literature or short UPiL with his article

Valentine's Cupid [Neu jetzt auch auf doitschisch]

We had 12 voters. This makes a maximum amount of 36 points as we had 3
participants and the maximum points per voter were 3.

The results in numbers:

1. Enyavar --> 36 points
2. djnewdream --> 21 points
3. adanic --> 15 points

Thanks to our 3 participants.

The prize money of 2500cc will be sent to Enyavar in the next minutes.


the MoC

NorthAfricaCorps, NeueN, Versuchskaninchen & monstazz