SHIELD Wants You!!

Day 2,021, 13:29 Published in USA USA by Tyler Bubblar

Fellow citizens of the eUSA, during our most recent eFPR broadcast it was brought to my attention that our previous CO of Recruiting for the illustrious Fed MU SHIELD, Duncan Crowe was moved over to quartermaster. This shake up resulted in a promotion from NCO of Recruiting to CO for me. With that realization I resolved to Thunder up my game.

Our Propaganda Maestro Jakov Mikhailovich has published a series of amazing articles highlighting the greatness of SHIELD and some of our prominent members. My favorite article of Jakov's is this one. That said all of Jakov's articles are amazing you can check out his newspaper here, it's worth a look if you haven't sampled Jakov's greatness. My goal here is slightly different Jakov has highlighted the amazing MU that is SHIELD, my purpose is to invite and entice you to join us.

While SHIELD is loaded with true titans of this game, (as touched on by Jakov Mikhailovich) it also is loaded with newer players. SHIELD is not an exclusive MU. We are the Fed MU, and so we are built to reflect the inclusive atmosphere that our party has built. You do not have to be Fed to join. Pretty much the only requirement is that you wear our awesome uniform.

Beyond that nothing. You can work in our Communes if you want,if you choose to do so, we will provide you with a daily supply drop of 800 health and 12 Q7 weapons. In the event that you are asked to deploy overseas SHIELD will cover your moving expenses. Thus in SHIELD regardless of strength and name recognition you can be a global force for the eUSA.

A good example of this inclusiveness is me. I have been a Fed and SHIELD agent for less than 2 months, and they have entrusted me with CO of Recruiting. As I stopped playing during V1 my stats are not as high as a player my age should have. In spite of my weakness SHIELD has given me a home and utilized me. (I am currently in Serbia contributing my damage to RWs that have been popping up all over the map) While I have invested in my training grounds and my strength is climbing it is still not where I would like it to be.

What I'm trying to say is SHIELD happily accepts all loyal eAmericans, and allies. Regardless of strength, notoriety, party affiliation, etc. Not only will we take you, but we will embrace and accept you. We like our Fed party are a meritocracy, we will help you go as far as you want to go. If you want to serve beyond the daily orders a position will be found for you. Here in SHIELD you are welcome and wanted.

Now for some information you can join SHIELD here, once you join go to our forums to request SHIELD access here, now should you decide you want also join the Feds and request full Fed access by all means feel free, once you have SHIELD access go here, and last but not least our IRC channel is #SHIELD. All this access can be yours all you have to do is ask.

So join us we are growing rapidly. Be a part of it. With any growing entity the opportunity for advancement is there to be had. The Feds are the largest party in the eUS, we will no doubt build an MU that will be its equal in numbers and caliber. With your help we will build it faster and stronger. This is your chance to be a part of something great take it!