Shameless competition-busting pyramid scheme

Day 2,513, 10:54 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by VoodooMike71

Are you fed up with that little gold icon telling you to write three articles that get 25 unique comments each? Perhaps you’re too busy doing Very Important Things to mess about with this sort of nonsense? Or maybe you’re annoyed that you've written perfectly good articles in the past that have got enough comments, so why the hell don't they count?


If so, stop dancing to the tune of The Man. Stop performing like a dancing monkey just for Plato's amusement. Stop wasting valuable grey cells on something soooo far beneath you.

And join this scheme instead.

The theory is simple. Twenty six people who want to get the competition out of the way get together to comment on each others’ articles. We do this three times for each person and, ta-daa!, the competition is done. So here’s how it works…

1. Write a short article in your newspaper using the text provided below. This is your first article that will get 25 comments.

2. Copy the link to your article.

3. Comment on this article. Say the following: “Here’s my comment. And here’s my article (paste link to your article here)”

4. Wait a day or two for everyone to do the same. There should be 25 comments with a link each.

5. Click on everyone else’s link and add this comment: ”Comment 1”

6. When you've got 25 comments, click on the link in my comment on your article; it’ll take you to the second article in the pyramid, so that we can start all over again.

I reckon it’ll take about a week for everyone in the gang to have three articles with (at least) 25 shiny, unique, competition-busting comments.

Obligatory overused internet meme graphic

Yes it’s unnecessarily complicated. Yes we’re all going to have to put in a little bit of effort. But it’s absolutely guaranteed* to get results and complete the competition for you. Indeed, based on hours of scientific calculations and rum-fuelled ponderings (or was that rum-fuelled calculations and scientific ponderings? I can't remember), I reckon it’ll take less time to take part in this than it would normally take to write one proper article that’s by no means guaranteed to get the comments you need.

So, there you have it. Only take part if you’re prepared to commit to doing the whole thing. Only take part if you need three articles to finish the competition - it will be really irritating if people drop out halfway through.

Oh, and don’t vote or shout people’s articles - everyone else will get really annoyed if we spam the articles lists.

Text for your first article - just copy and paste…
This is my first article in the daring and fiendishly clever Get The Stupid Article Competition Out Of The Way scheme.

If you’re not part of the scheme and have no idea what I’m talking about, please move along. Don’t vote or comment on this article, because it’s boring.

If you ARE part of the scheme, you know what to do … nudge nudge wink wink
stop copying

Good luck! See you in article 2.

Cheating always works … just ask BigAnt

* any guarantees offered in this article are automatically void. Soz.