My thoughts on the 6th Party Coalition

Day 1,958, 21:43 Published in USA USA by Clint Carmel

So today-- in exactly 3 hours, at midnight California time-- I will have been in the game for 60 days. As such, I'll be getting my 2nd Hard Worker medal and another Super Soldier medal. (

Which puts me squarely in the 'novice' camp of players of eRepublik. And that's fine, because now and then there are developments that go right over my head. Being a newbie, I can admit this outright without having to pretend otherwise.

Today, for example, I was reading an article that Scolbert poste😛 <-- in this article, Scolbert declares his intention to form a coalition of various 6th parties, united with such party presidents as Mercurius100. I crunched out the numbers, and the part that puzzles me is why they are having a loose coalition. We're talking potentially 200 or 300 people here, enough so that if they all joined Vox or APP directly, they might actually be the 5th party. If they all joined AMP or USWP, they would permanently knock AFA down to 3rd place.

So why a coalition instead of a union or a mini-Unity?

I don't know. We'll see what happens.


This next part is my opinion. It is not endorsed by the AFA, RGR, Unity, WTP, FEDs, or anyone else. I don't even endorse it. It's just opinion. It can't be argued with, unless you say "no, that's not your opinion." Which is silly. This is my opinion.

Some thoughts on the AFA:

Why are the "6th" parties feeling disenfranchised? Because of the AFA/Unity situation. Anyone not siding with the T4 parties is directly (not indirectly) aiding and abetting RGR and the AFA. That's just a fact of current game mechanics. (In my opinion.)

At this point, if AFA truly wants to PTO the eUSA, their best strategy would be to do nothing for a month. Anyone who has studied actual American history understands that the best way to keep all 50 states united is to keep throwing external threats at America. Unity is growing stronger each month because Americans love having someone to call a bad guy. We just do.

Of course, the AFA is not a pure monolith: people splinter from it all the time. Therefore, someone will ignore this advice, and will piss off Unity with a few rogue Immigration deals, and the Unity status-quo will be maintained.

And this 6th party coalition? It can go a few different ways: It might simply end up eventually becoming T5 in the long run. It might dissolve. It might swing towards AFA. Much will depend on whether Ghinculov and the other 6th party presidents join. Either way, it will be interesting to watch.

Personally, I am torn. If AFA wasn't around, I have no doubt I'd be in the 6th party coalition myself. I actually know and like many of the people involved in the 6th parties, and I find many in Unity to be draconian and dismissive, and too suspicious of new people. Except the Feds, who have been uniformly gracious and appreciative, so far as I know.

But I've been to Congress. And once you've seen the eusaforums, especially the Legislative ideas, you understand how malignant the PTO situation is.
So while I emotionally would be happier to see both the PTO and AFO sides removed from the equation, I just know that there really isn't a 3rd option.

Example: An AFA Congressman makes a rogue proposal. You vote 'Yes' if you're AFA and 'NO' if you're a T4 member. Any abstaining helps the Yes side. There's no other options. Any coalition that harms Unity helps the AFA. Maybe it's because I'm new, but I see no way around the cold hard facts of the game mechanics.