My path to congress... end of campaing

Day 1,375, 02:12 Published in Switzerland Serbia by mungos032

Hello everybody...

As we all know, I managed to get into Congress with 10 votes (which was also the highest number of votes for a candidate), and on this occasion I would like to thank everyone who voted for me ... I also want to thank everyone who voted for the people of my party and those who did not vote for Voxillis, Borisjjackas and other PTO-ers ...

My path to Congress was not easy ..

It all started after finish of the elections for party president, which I lost to FESTOOL for a 2 votes ... I was very angry and disappointed .. and the next day I ran for Congress ... I was determined to get into it ... I started the campaign ..

I published an article about my intentions, and every day, called people to vote for me .. and it looks like it paid off ... I counted to 3 vote, but my expectations were exceeded ...

I am glad that my party (not counting own players votes) had the most votes even from the SRC's ... Luka Tomasevic Tomas and me were at the top, with 16 votes + sgtchewy had 3 votes for a total of 19 votes .. whereas the SRC had 16 votes and the SNP has 9 votes ... so that our party got four seats in Congress, SRC 10 seats, and the SNP six seats ..