eRepublik Most Famous Citizen

Day 1,372, 00:59 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia by Stev4o

Hi all citizens of the eWorld.Finally i get about 2700 friends 2300 strenght points and i open my newspaper.For this article all citizens of the eWorld can choose who is the most famous face in the eRepublik:
If you want to vote you can do it this way:
3.Add me for Friend
4.Shaut to all
5.Write in comennts number of the citizen

And you can vote for

1.ScymeX-He is Leader of Macedonia and have more than 10000 strenght...Only in one battle he mades milionsinfluence every day.Strongest player from ONE and the strongest player at Erepublik-

2.Romper-He was first God of War and he first catch lvl 100...All Croatia is proud of him and he also made more then 31kk in only 1 battle.He is the only Elite Citizen at Erepublik-

3.Plato-Official Erepublik founder...He also have over 1 milion friends and almost 100000 subs(21k MM Medals),The most hated figure in Erepublik.If you are ordinaqry player and have multies you will be baneed thanks to this guy.He got pet without head(chicken)and love to get money from all Erepublik players-

4.Marco Polo-Have you ever heard of this guy...Most of you not but when i tell you that he has over 11000 strenght you will say-WHATTTTTT!!!!Yea he has 11000 strenght.His profile-

5.Pedjat-Serbian destroyer.Fourth God of War on Erepublik.He was first citizen with mercenary medal and have 10000+ strenght and he made 13kk against Romper-

6.Colin Lantrip-Former strongest player on Erepublik.Now he is strongest player in USA and North America.Recorder for making ovde 45kk in only 1 battle-

7.Bogdan Adamutz-Most of you are now saying who this guy is.He is Romanian and have almost 12k strenght...He has 3 mercenary medals and still not media mogul-

8.Kualkerr-I think we should put 1 Arap between all.Kualkerr is from Pakistan but he always travel.Proud member of Lazokrasi-

9.Elle Dinar Andari-Lets put some girl in the race...She is Indonesian.10000+ stregnht and many medals-

10.Plato's Chicken-You will see this chicken 240 times in 2 Hours and why dont have head...Vote for the Chicken and you dont need link to look the chicken just wrote anything at the right corner of Erepublik(Search Citizen)

11.TemujinBC-After this article many people put TemujinBC's name.He is best Canadian fighter at this moment and its very popular in Ireland and Turkey...He is mercenary and proud member of The Crimson Order...-

12.I decided to put All-x in this voting.Citizen with the most strenght in Erepublik...Over 9000 strenghtttttt.His name is all-x and he is from Indonesia.See him-

13.DimkaVelikiy-The Russian Vodka killer...He have all medals and 10000 strenght.Now Mother Rusia can vote too-

14.Argrob-Second citizen who caught lvl 100.The third God of War...Proud Dalmatian who give everything for Croatia-

15.Euphonix-This citizen is not alive(on Erepublik) and dont play this game ANYMORE.He was the strongest player in Erepublik v1 with the most strenght.He is from Portugal and is famous for him mustaghe-

16.silniy udar-Best Turkish player...Almost 8k strenght,Legendary Forse and level 60.No party,No newspaper,but proud member of Ottomans...just taking BH(331)and CH(82)-

17.Cnac-Bulgarian Proud with almost 11k strenght...Hitting hard for his Motherland and doing everything to help Bulgarian allies-

18.dSokre-The most famous newspaper boy in the eWorld...Before the new change he was having over 21000 subs in his newspaper(eWorld Trade Centar).Now he have 10000,he is lvl 40,World Class Forse and have 11000 strenght and 7400 friends-

19.BattalGazi-Another strong Turkish player famous around the eWorld...Level 45,11000 strenght,10k subs(before new change),Legendary Force and very loyal to Turkey-

20.Aexil Kong-Second best Macedonian Player.Highly respected and leader of MTO National Force(5k str+ only)...He have 11000+ strenght and it is God of War-

21.AhmedAE-Best Arap politician and leader of Egypt...Well respected of Everyone.He was president of many parties,confederations and Minister of many things-

22.Martabak Ostin-Pride of Indonesia and the most famous Indonesian in Erepublik.Very critical in his newspaper and very respected in ONE,10 times Indo Congress, 10 times Indo MOFA, Famous International Scribe and Propagandist.-

23.Emerick-One of the most famous Americans ever.Playing Erepublik from 2008.Real leader(4 times president) and invited more then 100 citizens to Erepublik-

24.depici-One of the best Turkish tanks...Big fan of Football.10000 stregnht and Legendary Force*...-

25.Dragon_azul_05-Best player from Chile.Level 48,Legendary Force,6.600 strenght and many hours spend in battles.Currently Pernament Ban 🙁-

26.Don_Kronox-Best fighter in Slovenia.Dead two times:712&1354 but his spirit still fears the other citizens...His Profile-

And remember you will deside who will be the winner...This voting will end when i will get 1000 subs ...Vote.Sub.ADD.Shaut.And choose your favorite.
Pleace dont spam with other names if you have sugestion wrote me a message...

Supported by
Martabak Ostin-
All other citizens except Plato(the hater)