Media Mogul Project

Day 1,504, 14:00 Published in Italy Italy by Cris.94

Everyone need more subscriptions, right? With this media mogul project all of you have a chance to get more subscriptions and to reach the Media Mogul achievement.

All you must to do is:
1. Give subscribes to all newspapers that were added before yours.
2. Leave the URL of your newspaper in comment.
3. Make shout from this article:

1. Libero Pensiero
2. Volo Libero
3. Varie ed Eventuali
4. NewsDevil
5. Pimpami l'eStoria
6. e-Jeux Sans Frontieres
7. The guard Tower
8. Il Popolo d'eItalia
9. Tree Money
10. Kapi News
11. The E-Greek Times
12. The Archimedes project
13. L'eCorriere
14. eSinga
15. I.M.S.P.M.
16. GazetkaWybiorcza
17. Theta Punto
18. Il Libero Pensiero
19. The erep Times
20. L'ordine Nuovo
21. Rijeka News
22. Free Frontier
23. Agent For Stupidity - AFS
24. MM-medalja
25. 126 News
26. eAlbanian Press
27. Sinisa Glavasevic
28. I don't care
31. Neke_novine
32. Domagoj news
33. Insider Exclusive
34. Free Asia News
35. Tautas Vestnesis
36. Troll24ee
37. KLIK
38. Hunt for MMM
39. eRepublika News
40. El Metodo Cronos
41. News eItaly
42. Teachings of Mister Y
43. Risorgimento eItaliano
44. LiberaMente
45. The Amthug's paper
46. eKiakkiere

Hail Ireland!
Hail Ukraine!
Hail Finland!
Hail Romania!
Hail Croatia!
Hail China!
Hail Bulgaria!
Hail Canada!
Hail Israel!
Hail Greece!
Hail Norway!
Hail Italy!
Hail Portugal!