Irish Army Revitalization

Day 3,069, 15:06 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by Omnissiah
As many know, the Irish Army has gone through a revitalization effort since Sluagh's ascension to the Presidency and him appointing Don Croata as Commander of the national Irish military unit, the Irish Army.

As Divisions were set up, uniforms created, and orders passed down, the Irish Army looked organized, professional, and united despite it's home being wiped just days before.

Today, the Irish Army prepared and executed its FIRST organized strike attack. Through the IRC channel of #IrishArmy, all present were told to support our Spanish friends in their Resistance War against Portugal occurring in Cantabria. Here are the results of said attack:

Division 1
Kills: Irish Army members take complete control of the Top 5 positions with a combined total of 381 kills (Alpha.Primaris, James FitzGage, Trito Fisher, Difunto, & zebah zebah jr)

Damage: Irish Army members take 4 out of 5 Top positions with a combined damage of 15,059,252 (Alpha.Primaris, zebah zebah jr, James FitzGage, & Trito Fisher)

Division 2
Kills: Irish Army member (and former Commander) Shytach is Number 1 in kills with a total of 100.

Damage: Shytach ranked Number 3 in damage, dealing and impressive 12,399,200

Division 3
Kills & Damage: Irish Army member Lady Silver dominates the division entirely, being Number 1 in both kills (123) and damage dealt (35,690,600)

-Lady Silver did nearly 5x the amount of damage as the next soldier in the Number 2 spot.
-The IRC channel was flowing with member activity and commands were issued on the spot by Don Croata with IRC assistance from Shytach.
-It is clear that the Irish Army has a strong Division 1 section and will only grow stronger in the coming weeks as more orders are given and supply chains are more easily established.

As our first battle, I am very proud to be apart of the Irish Army and the success that we accomplished today. Helping out allies that helped us when we were in need is the least we can do. Don Croata and all that assist him are doing a fantastic job in rapidly rebuilding and expanding the unit. This is only the beginning in what I consider to be a long road of success.

Editors note: As the RW battle is still ongoing, stats are likely to change. The battle time when this was written was 1hr, 15min.

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