熊猫号角特刊: PLA外籍战士访谈录(二)

Day 1,397, 04:08 Published in China China by shawkcn

在上期的《PLA外籍战士访谈录》中,我给大家带来了对PLA中一位俄罗斯战士和一位乌克兰战士的访谈。而在本期的《PLA外籍战士访谈录》中,又有两位PLA外籍战士要坦露他们的心声。那就是来自匈牙利的Ivan Alexashenko和来自意大利的KKng。

Ivan Alexashenko

力量 7399.04
军衔 National Force***
Battle Hero章 175个
Campaign Hero章 17个
Resistance Hero章 0个
Mercenary章 0个


答: 我的名字是Janos。我来自North-East Hungary,23岁。


答: 我在2010年4月29日加入游戏。我的eRep之旅开始于匈牙利,我在那里待到V2版本结束时。很有趣的是,一开始,相比于军事模块,我对于游戏的政治模块更感兴趣。但我很快改变了想法,因为我发现在匈牙利反共产主义的思潮十分的强烈。很幸运的是,我认识到了V2版本终将失败,所以像很多人一样,我一直保持进行着最大限度的军事训练。当力量概念重新被引入游戏后,作为后起之秀,我的战斗力也小有所成了。


随着我力量的增长,我收到了一系列回归匈牙利并为匈牙利而战的邀请(邀请来自于许多著名的军事单位,例如Hunyadi、HUN elit、Black Army)。但最终我拒绝了所有的邀请,这主要是因为我与匈牙利政府间政见不合,尤其是在一些早已计划好的事宜上,我找不到任何理由来劝说自己加入。


答: 那是在V2版本的中段。当时我已决定不再为匈牙利而战。所以我开始研究世界上的著名军事单位,以确定我所喜欢的(我阅读了大量的报纸,做了很多仔细的研究)。那时,我第一次了解了PLA。可惜,那时我并没有充裕的时间,也并不强大,同时害怕被人教唆成为一个间谍或是类似的东西。所以,那时我并没有加入PLA,但我从未忘记过它。


我所了解的PLA,是Saturn Community的一部分,是劳动阶级的马列主义先锋队,是领导中国前进的力量。Planet Liberation Army是属于这个社会主义国家劳动者的军队。能在这支军队中服役,我倍感荣耀。原因无他,只因为这是在保卫社会主义,是在为了人民的利益而奋斗,为了人民的欢笑而奋斗,为了所以劳动阶级和劳动者的利益而奋斗。


答: Haferkorn,他使我有机会能加入PLA,对此我永远不会忘记,我会铭记他的恩情。对于他的同志们来说,他是一位朋友,是一位无所不能的热心支持者。对于那些致力于PLA事业的战士们来说,他是一位开拓者,一位在战斗中征服了同伴们心灵的男人,他令人毕生难忘。






答: 过去,两国关系并不好,因为匈牙利站在伊朗那边,同时曾有长期占领黑龙江的经历,长期站在中国的对立面。在赶出了黑龙江之后,绝大多数匈牙利人忘记了中国。这种情况直到今年夏天才有所改变,那时在塞尔维亚和波兰的要求下,匈牙利参与了对中国的大规模入侵。

Q: Can you introduce yourself briefly? In real life, which country and which region do you come from? And how old are you?

A: My name is Janos.I am from North-East Hungary. 23 year old.

Q: When did you join the game? At that time which country did you stay in eWorld?

A: April 29,2010. Began in eHungary and stayed there till the end of V2.Intrestingly at first I was more intrested in epolitic than military part of the game.However it soon changed as I learned about the strong anti-communist sentiment in eHungary.Fortunately I saw after introduction that V2 will fail,so I didnt gave up with max train like many did and when strenght reintrouduced I ended up with accaptable amount of str even with late start.

Q: Before joining the PLA, which military unit have you joined? How do you evaluate it?

A: After the fall of V2 I began to walk on my own way.My main effort was to continue getting stronger(more rank,more str).So become an eWorld traveller,fought where I wanted and got the most, with my own "House" rules.
As continued grow got offers to return eHungary and fight for them(from famous MU-s like Hunyadi,HUN elit,Black Army)
But turned down all mainly because of differences with ehun government,plus already planned things,so found no reason to join,differences and little to offer.
After being MU independent for a long time,got offer from FAS to join them.I was willing to listen since myself like anime too,plus after research found they had good relationship with eChina at that time so had no reason to refuse.It turned out a good decision supply was excellent and could improve even faster).More importantly FAS granted indepence which I really needed in those times.But most importantly get to know great people.However didnt forget my ultimate goal.

Q: When did you know the PLA? Because of who or which event?

A: In the middle of V2,it got clear that I wont fight for ehun.So I did review the eWorld MU-s to find one for my liking(read lot of newspapers,did lot of research)and that was the first time when found out about PLA.
However at that time I lacked time/was weak and also was afraid that I will be tought as TO-er/spy or something like that.
Even though didnt joined that time still I never forgot about PLA.

Q: When did you join the PLA? Why?

A: I am newcomer since joined a week ago.
Sharing same ideals(communism),plus symbol based on one of my favorite medal.It was my longtime edream to become part of it.Considering my biggest achievment and very proud of it.
Belonging to Saturn Community,the Marxist-Leninist vanguard of the working class and the leading force of eChina,the Planet Liberiation Army is the army of our socialist nation of workers.
It is honorable to serve in this army.There is no cause more just than to defend socialism,for socialism is doing everything for the benefit of the people,for the happiness of the people,for the interests of the working class and all workers.

Q: Which member of PLA leave you a deep impression?

A: Haferkorn giving me possibilty to join thus I can never forget that,eternally indebted.
He is a friend to his comrades,an eager supporter of every ability and talent.He is a pathfinder for those who devoted themselves to PLA,a man who conquered the hearts of his comrades in the midst of battle and never released them.

Q: After joining the PLA, which battle leave you the deepest impression?

A: Every important battle giving the same feeling I must do whatever I can to contribute everyone effort for victory.

Q: What do you think of today's eChina? How do you evaluate the military strength of eChina?

A: eChina military strenght's fine.Forget the daily influence stats on paper,whats matter is eChina military capable to achieve everything which needed.Resource bonus is almost fully provided,as well NE,core territory is offlimit for enemys,full supremancy in this region of the eWorld.Even FYROM cant stop our glorious Army,they will experience further losses.

Q: For the relationship between eChina and your motherland, what's your opinion?

A: Its wasnt good in the past,because of eHun took Iran side,plus Heilongjiang occupation and being opposite side.After driven out from Heilongjiang most of eHungary forget about eChina.It was changed when eSerbia along with ePoland requested eHun to take part in conquering eChina in summer.
It must be noted that most of ehungarian didnt liked the idea but was enforced by ONE HQ and by ehun president and advicers.(resulted organization decreasing since most of didnt followed order)Plus lot of complaints why not eRomania?
So putting short nowadays its more like neutral relationship aside from ehun being on ONE side,while eChina on EDEN.


力量 9290.72
军衔 National Force***
Battle Hero章 351个
Campaign Hero章 53个
Resistance Hero章 0个
Mercenary章 1个


答: 我来自于意大利,34岁。


答: 我是在V1版本时就加入了游戏,开始于我的祖国意大利。






答: 自然是Haferkorn,我认为他是EDEN/TERRA联盟中最强力的坦克之一,同时他也享有黑龙江解放者的荣誉。这也是我加入PLA的主要原因,当我看到他创建了一个军事组织后,我立即就要求加入,并从此成为了PLA的一员。




答: 意大利正身处于水深火热之中……在过去和现在的战斗中,中国都给了意大利以帮助,这我们是不会忘记的。

【According to KKng's request,the original version of the interview will not be published】

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