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Deleted article - republish

7 Nap 4,877, 15:40 Megjelenés helye: United Kingdom United Kingdom Bulvár és szórakozás Bulvár és szórakozás

"Recently, you have created content which was declared to be not legal." Seems my previous article was deleted for flaming. I am guessing the problem was posting screenshots of correspondences I had with the admins.

For those who did not read the

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End of my term

11 Nap 3,545, 14:27 Megjelenés helye: United Kingdom United Kingdom Politikai viták és elemzések Politikai viták és elemzések

Firstly, I apologize for publishing this in my private newspaper, but my government access codes were in an old message which is not available anymore.

I just wish to thank everyone for the support during my term o7 We did not have a bad month I

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Vote Harambe

35 Nap 3,514, 02:15 Megjelenés helye: United Kingdom United Kingdom Politikai viták és elemzések Politikai viták és elemzések

I never liked writing, so I will keep it short.

I am the official UK Progression Party candidate for the position of country president.

We plan to continue the work and policies of the current government, which is why the team will include

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Clicks out for Harambe!

14 Nap 3,477, 10:11 Megjelenés helye: USA USA Bulvár és szórakozás Bulvár és szórakozás

Dear eWorld,

Take a moment to think back to the last time someone died for you.

Never forget.

A true friend to everyone in eRepublik.

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Return of Harambe

7 Nap 3,470, 13:38 Megjelenés helye: USA USA Hadügyi elemzések Hadügyi elemzések

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