[DHS] New Team Same Mission and Purpose

Day 2,178, 22:27 Published in USA USA by Tyler Bubblar

Hello America, day one of new Presidential NewAzazel's term is upon us. Last month as you know fantastic accomplishments were made. The PTO crippled, and the Top 5 secured by legitimate Parties for the first time in a very long time. The ATO strides made were little short of miraculous. MelissaRose and Josh Frost have left me and my team with massive shoes to fill. I will be your new Secretary of Homeland Security, I will be joined by my Deputies Blondeninja, and Apollo221. For a long time ATO has been all about one person.

Primary Rigging, false promises of compensation for votes, and importing citizens of enemy nations, are among the dastardly deeds of said person. After the successes of last month it falls upon the new administration to consolidate upon our recent triumphs. As Secretary of Homeland Security my goal is to once again prevent the PTO in our midst from rising to prominence in our nation. The aforementioned team left me with an excellent manual to accomplish this task.

While ATO is still a massive part of DHS. President NewAzazel has also expressed a desire that DHS transition to fostering closer ties between the Parties. Earlier I used the term legitimate to describe the top 5 as we currently have it. I'd like to expound on that for a moment. AMP, Feds, LAP, USWP, and WTP: sometimes we have fierce disagreements in terms of policy and direction. However, each camp genuinely believes that the course they are advocating for is in the best interest of the eUSA. They want to make and keep America strong, independent, and proud. The PTO in our midst would destroy our nation from within in order to hand it over to our traditional enemies.

We're almost there. It seems articles on ATO/PTO endlessly dominate the media module. This was a refreshing month of 5 CP candidates, and 5 Congressional Party ballots that didn't require such a media presence. Unfortunately I will have to break the cycle with the upcoming Party President elections. An ATO candidate will be chosen soon, and voting instructions will be distributed. Several months ago in anticipation of this moment tighter IES laws ( http://eusaforums.com/forum/index.php/topic,27709.0.html ) were passed. The recipe is simple: recruit hard, obey the IES laws, don't get greedy, and stay vigilant. Our country is fully ours once more. Let's keep it that way. All we have to do is be smart. Here's to passing the test.