Interview with Newly Elected President New Azazel

Day 2,178, 12:16 Published in USA USA by Al Alson

I would first of all like to acknowledge all the candidates who ran in the election. Congratulations on a hard fought campaign and good luck to the candidates who didn't win in your future endeavors. I would most importantly like to congratulate our newly elected President New Azazel ! I'm very confident that you will have a great term and many other better terms to come. I would like to take this time to thank President New Azazel and Secretary Valiant Thor for appointing me as a White House Press Writer. I am grateful for the amount of trust you both have in me and I promise that I will not let either of you nor the American people down. Now to the interview with President New Azazel.

Mr. President allow me to be the first say that it is an honor and a privilege to be the first newspaper to interview you as the President of eUSA and I wish you the best of luck in your first presidential term.

What made you go into eUSA politics?

-A desire to serve the country. I don't really like the political aspect much, but I have always enjoyed providing some work, which is why I wanted to become media secretary, secretary of state, and finally, president.

What were you thoughts as you decided to run for president ?

-I worried mostly about how well I would do. I'm pretty self-evaluating, so I am always looking for ways to be better. I was also excited for the tough campaign I knew I was getting into.

Have you run for the office of president before?

-Yes, I ran against Oblige and HeapSeppo a few months ago, coming in 2nd place.

What made you select the cabinet that you did?

-I selected the cabinet because I believe they could do the jobs I asked. I know many of them, and I know that they are committed to serving in the country's best interest.

As president what immediate changes will you implement?

-More focus on domestic programs, solidifying our foreign stance.

What is your view on our current war with Poland and what is your current strategy to gain back all the states of our nation?

-We are not at war, we have a treaty with Poland that I intend to keep. We are gaining states back as per our treaty, aside from an East Coast buffer zone.

Thank you Mr. President for the interview and for the opportunity as White House Press writer. I am very grateful for the position and I promise that you won't regret it. Congratulations on your win and good luck on your first term!

- Al Alson
~ Editor - In - Chief/Press Director of The US Weekly
White House Press Writer

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