[CP] Update on your Government

Day 2,000, 20:57 Published in Australia USA by irule777

I haven’t done an update since the election really and I decided now’s a good time to do one with all the stuff flying around.


I’m going to clear up something right off the bat. The CoT option was discussed during a cabinet meeting, as it usually is during a CP’s month, as we look at every possible option to fixing a solution we can. This isn't some conspiracy that was proposed by evil people or whatever else you want to say, it was a discussion where we mutually sat down and looked at a way this may be possible. The reason things stay private like this in a cabinet is for that reason, so people can discuss any idea they have to fix this nation, no matter how crazy. We looked at the option, and we’ve obviously said no thanks. But I will not accept to see any mud flinging over a cabinet conversation. The fact that we discuss things that can be unpopular shows you, that guess what, we care about the country, how many regions we have, our allies, our economy state, activity, everything. And we’re willing to look at it from any possible angle to make the right decisions to improve this nation.


The NaN remains to be our foreign policy front and is what we’re going to keep working on all month. We’ve had a lot of new interest in it this month, and I hate to keep repeating that, since I can’t tell you who’s looking at the alliance, but we’ve made some good friends and have lots of looking eyes.

As for the internal status, we hit some bumps in the beginning of the month, which is usual for a new alliance. We’ve started put in place a new alliance HQ, some leadership, and have a real big discussion going on about an alliance MU and are making plans to try implementing it with communes, avatars, etc (some of which has been prepared already). We’re making internal progress in a new alliance that can surely use it.

As for some recent victories. We planned the RW in Malaysia against Montenegro, and while we stumbled at the beginning due to a timing error, we ended up pulling it off and have showed that we can contest in important battles. Great job to the NaN.

Final update on this, our trial members are being voted on for full membership as we speak, we should have some cool announcements about this soon.


Considering we have so many issues with CoT, a TWO option had been discussed and even some TWO people brought it up about the possibility of allying the NaN with them or joining ACT or some form of that. We’ve decided due to our allies preferences and the timing right now, we won’t be doing anything major with this. However, we have been looking into some new MPP’s with not only the other NaN nations (some can’t due to money) but some TWO nations would could assist us in RW’s.


We lost our Minister of Defence, CyberCasper due to some RL issues and activity, but we’ll be replacing him very soon for sure and hopefully getting right back on track. We’ve given the DoD some funding this month that could be used if we needed it, so hopefully we can bring in a new minister and get some real stuff moving here. Valentyme is doing our Daily Orders until then and our staff is assisting in regular duties of the DoD.

Other Departments

Other departments remain running smoothly, Education is pumping out some new graphics and articles, information is working on a cabinet report and an NaN piece, and we’re moving along regularly 🙂

-Irule777, President of Australia