Ambijent uključi/isključi

Explanation, Please?

15 Dan 1,225, 18:32 Objavljeno u Switzerland Switzerland

I am here to inquire as to what the "Secret Ambassador Database of Switzerland" is that Clifford has leaked out, and why myself and the other ambassadors have not been informed of its existence, and why we have not been able to utilize it in our

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Goodbye Custer!

27 Dan 1,224, 18:47 Objavljeno u Switzerland Switzerland

On the 26th of this month, we have seen one of the greats finally leave the game. George Armstrong Custer has officially left eRepublik. I tip my hat to the old man, he has credit for bringing me into the political world how many months ago, back

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[Kishi] My Response To Their Slander

15 Dan 1,218, 15:00 Objavljeno u Switzerland Switzerland

My Response To Their Slander:

So a few days ago, I posted a new article (Found here: announcing my candidacy for Congress this next rotation. In response, I was … čitaj više »

Congressional Hot Dawgs!

16 Dan 1,216, 17:24 Objavljeno u Switzerland Switzerland

Some Techno Theme Music!

So yes, I am in fact running for congress this next rotation after a bit of an extended break!

[img][/img] … čitaj više »

Kishi For President!

11 Dan 1,185, 16:29 Objavljeno u Switzerland Switzerland

Hello everyone!

I'm here to announce that I plan on running for CP this month (Provided we have a political party set up by then, lol). I think I can do some good for

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