Ambijent uključi/isključi

American decline, Indonesian propoganda

11 Dan 487, 10:16 Objavljeno u USA USA

Many of you may or may not have realized where America stands internationally. We do not have the strongest military, we do not have the strongest economy, but we do, have the largest population. Or did. Recently, indonesia passed romania in

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And the AMERICAN OF THE WEEK award goes to..... 2nd edition

6 Dan 483, 20:36 Objavljeno u USA USA

There has been a drought lately of altogether American Americans since the end of the Taco Bell wars, and many Americans have a bad taste in their mouths about each other. The people that have shown up predominatly this week have been of the

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33 Dan 481, 20:59 Objavljeno u USA USA

Uncle Sam has just pulled out of the northeast, leaving it under portugals control. I would like to remind everyone that the U.S was winning the fight with over 10K points over the wall. It looked like we might be able to hold on to it, and get more

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In defense of Sam, and in offense to PEACE

17 Dan 477, 20:13 Objavljeno u USA USA

Reading through lots of articles, i have heard lots of people flaming our president, uncle Sam. The accusations are mainly focused around three things. 1, getting involved in the war, 2, the bold and innovative strategy that backfired in the end,

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And the AMERICAN OF THE WEEK award goes to.....

6 Dan 476, 18:30 Objavljeno u USA USA

ATLANTIS has been attacked, and its cons called into questions by Americans in the past week. Sentiment runs high against having to pay a fine to a crime other ATLANTIS nations have perpetrated and been left untouched by. That is wrong. So the first

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