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A Fond Farewell

35 Dan 1,976, 19:05 Objavljeno u USA USA Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

Warning: The article below involves Journey, last goodbyes, teenage girlfriends, a high amount of sentimentality, and misty-eyed looks from attractive redheads. If you are too manly to view this content, press the End key and write manly things čitaj više »

I rather missed doing these.

28 Dan 1,968, 00:24 Objavljeno u USA USA Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava


So here I was, avoiding college assignments and checking up on the game I left behind quite sometime ago. I read through some of my articles, checked my wiki, and just sifted around the place. I noticed one trend, which is that by and

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Keating for PotUS, Round Two

15 Dan 1,594, 09:21 Objavljeno u USA USA Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

Let me preface this article by noting that I know it's late in the presidential period to announce a candidature. I would really appreciate it if I could get tacked onto the primaries as quickly as possible, and if all of your polls could be changed

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The Basis of "Our" Decision

227 Dan 1,581, 14:43 Objavljeno u USA USA Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

As you well know, TERRA Member Nation Chile was recently expelled from the alliance. This move has been largely criticized both around the world,

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Acronyms of eRepublik

13 Dan 1,580, 23:29 Objavljeno u USA USA Prvi koraci u eRepubliku Prvi koraci u eRepubliku

Herein lies a catalog of common acronyms (and some abbreviations) of things in the eUS and eRepublik. eRepublik is a game that has a high amount of repetition and out-of-game contact, so naturally there is a huge amount of acronyms and shorthand

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