Ambijent uključi/isključi

[US] eNew Zealand is Open for Business!

4 Dan 1,053, 08:12 Objavljeno u USA USA

I'll keep it short, because who wants to read long-winded articles (and who wants to write them)?

As of Day 1052, eNew Zealand is a country. We are actively looking for investors, both to open companies in our new country, and also to export

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The Weapons Industry: Revived?

11 Dan 1,042, 11:42 Objavljeno u USA USA

As many of us know, the weapons industry has been absolutely moribund since V2 showed up. High durability, combined with the fact that workers could pump out weapons pretty quickly, meant that the industry absolutely crashed. Prices splattered,

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Accomplishments of the Krems Presidency

51 Dan 1,015, 17:53 Objavljeno u USA USA

Pushed buttons for a JCS/EDEN-planned campaign into Russia, which got us titanium for a day or two

Honestly, that's about all I've got. Please fill me in on other concrete things that have been done

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Economic Protip

10 Dan 1,014, 10:32 Objavljeno u India India

Heya India, how are things? It's been a while. Since I'm e-physically here, I thought I'd point something out that I noticed.

Looks tasty,

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Sup Switzerland

16 Dan 1,009, 19:49 Objavljeno u Switzerland Switzerland

Don't be fooled by my citizenship; I'm American, baby. Just thought I'd say hi from us over here across the pond. Now I don't know whether all of you speak English, so I'll go with a couple things that are universal:

Heavy Metal[

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