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Reporting the breaking news of our nation and our allies, and other things. We promise to not be afraid of controversy, and utilize our freedom of speech.

The current state of our military

2 Dan 3,467, 06:15 Objavljeno u USA USA Analiza ratovanja Analiza ratovanja

The military of the eUSA is disorganized. Yes, it may be a strong fighting force, but we don't even have many essential branches. For example, the United States Marine Corps, we need a Marine Corps so we can gain a foothold in the Pacific, and

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The doom of America?

0 Dan 3,466, 15:05 Objavljeno u USA USA Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

Yes, the title may be a bit...clickbait, but hear me out.
The leaders of our nation have no idea what they are doing. Yes, they have kept us together for a while, but without a "Balance" of some sort between Right-Wing and Left-Wing candidates, we

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A study of flags:Vexillogy

1 Dan 3,466, 11:31 Objavljeno u USA USA Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

If you know me, I am into the study of flags. The flags of the world are fascinating, and represent what a country stands for. For example, the flag of Angola, it is a communist nation, or the United States, you can tell the inspirations of the

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