Ambijent uključi/isključi

How nice..

23 Dan 295, 07:46 Objavljeno u Ireland Ireland

So how nice, people joining IFP, voting, leaving the party, and rejoining the party they came from.

Sme3dy appears to be trying to take over IFP by effectively cheating....

Ive had 5 Join, and leave mails, today, all of which joined, voted and

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Small Fixes Towards A Stable Economy

13 Dan 287, 05:25 Objavljeno u Ireland Ireland

I know theres alot of panic, questions, and omgwtfs regarding the economy, but theres been alot of discussion regarding what to do to fix Ireland via the forums, and also alot on IRC.

Firstly, i feel all companys should adopt the new minimum wage

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Keep It Irish

14 Dan 274, 00:21 Objavljeno u Ireland Ireland

Remember guys, everyone needs to vote! Prod your friends, family and pets who play this game to get there backsides on here and vote Irish.

Do Not Vote IR as any Mayor!

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Victor - Restore Ireland - A Deal

19 Dan 270, 19:39 Objavljeno u Ireland Ireland

Restore Taxes to how they were pre Aug 1st, or atleast stop the imports.

In return i will sell products as laid out in a mail a while ago.

Allow the irish market 1 week from when the tax changes

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:FacePalm: - Elections LOLz

33 Dan 270, 10:53 Objavljeno u Ireland Ireland

Well looks like the Election campaign has started early, earlier than ive ever seen it before to be honest! and ill be honest, it is nice seeing Victor being vocal about voting for him, given that last elections he said nothing, made a load of

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