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Napalm, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that.

Sweet home Kyushu (and Chugoku)

16 Dan 1,247, 08:17 Objavljeno u Japan Japan Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

Since I live in eJapan I was always a resident of the beautiful Kyushu. Sometime I had to escape (due Indonesian or American conquerors), but I always returned. Last time I had to to leave the island because of the war against China. The war ended,

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Novaya Ekonomicheskaya Politika

19 Dan 1,239, 08:16 Objavljeno u Japan Japan Financijsko poslovanje Financijsko poslovanje

I've got a message from Plato today. The dodgy Greek has informed me (and all the company owners) there will be more new row materials: Rubber, oil, aluminum, saltpeter, fruits, cattle, fish and deer. Everybody will be able to migrate the current

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Meditation on the Empire

19 Dan 1,234, 09:12 Objavljeno u Japan Japan

Call me a war pig, but it's always in my minde, how to make the Empire great. Now I see an opportunity, because there is fundamental realignment in this word. ONE

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Do not fight over 1800 point, it is only wasting

11 Dan 1,231, 09:17 Objavljeno u Japan Japan

According to the new rules you need 1810 point to win a minibattle. If your country has taken the lead with more then 1810 point, enjoy and wait the next round. If enemy earn the 1800 point, don't panic and DO NOT FIGHT in that minibattle, wait the

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Coming soon: The hyperinflation

15 Dan 1,221, 09:12 Objavljeno u Japan Japan

The current exchange rate: 1 gold = 144 JPY (other side: 1 JPY = 0,009 gold; the gap is 33 JPY/gold!). And it will be even worse: there is 43K JPY and only 287 gold in the National Bank (the congress just printed 25K JPY). I don't want to demut, but

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