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ADTP: The new face of eUS politics

14 Dan 970, 21:04 Objavljeno u USA USA

By now most of you have noticed US TAMA is no longer in the top five, and in it's place you may have noticed the American Defense & Trade Party.

The ADTP was born out of a merger between the former US TAMA and American Defense Parties. The

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Opportunity Cost: An eRep Lesson in Economics

40 Dan 964, 20:48 Objavljeno u USA USA

Economics is the study of the relationship between scarce resources and unlimited wants, the scarce resource I plan on discussing today is time.

Time in eRepublik, as it is in the real world, has become scarce with the introduction of the … čitaj više »

ADTP Party President Debate Log

4 Dan 961, 15:43 Objavljeno u USA USA

lietk12 The first question is this: What would make you a good PP? What are your qualifications? We'll go in this order for this question: charmader, Dennis, Indrae, mjdiv

charmader95 I have been an active member of our party for several

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ADTP Party President Debate Log

3 Dan 960, 20:52 Objavljeno u USA USA

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Pics or it didn't happen!

26 Dan 954, 17:54 Objavljeno u USA USA

Many people have been going around accusing me and SVV's campaign of running negative ads, in response I'd like to say pics or it didn't happen!

In this spirit I offer my own screenshot as proof that while people like to talk, it doesn't

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