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The Official Paper of the Prime Minister of Australia.

{eAust CP} Update Day 3,288

8 Dan 3,288, 22:14 Objavljeno u Australia Australia Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

Good afternoon eAustralia,

Sorry about the delays in updating, but while there is a lot going on behind the scenes, a lot of it can not be openly discussed. However I will try and talk about a … čitaj više »

{eAust CP} A lot about nothing Day 3,281

2 Dan 3,281, 20:18 Objavljeno u Australia Australia Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

Good morning eAustralia,

Well, I dont have too much news to pass on to you all. But I will give you an update on the things that I can talk about.

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{eAust CP} Welcome to Democracy Day 3,278

9 Dan 3,278, 18:52 Objavljeno u Australia Australia Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

Good morning eAustralia,

On this somber day in Real Life, I would like to take the time to ask all of our citizens, to take a moment out of their day and remember the nation we live in, the … čitaj više »

{eAust CP} Liberation - Update Day 3,277 18.20

3 Dan 3,276, 05:31 Objavljeno u Australia Australia Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

Good Evening eAustralia,

Welcome to the updated Liberation Plans.

As promised in all candidates policy papers and as … čitaj više »

[CP-AUS] Election for custodial CP

19 Dan 3,256, 10:10 Objavljeno u Australia Australia Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

Good evening eAUS (time written, don't hate),

Congress will vote on who will take over to be acting CP until new elections are held in 17 days. As I have said from hour 0, day 1, I will give all … čitaj više »