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eRepublik Plus Grand Tutorial

88 Dan 549, 05:51 Objavljeno u Croatia Croatia

Hello dear eCitizens and eRepublik Plusers,

Today’s article will explain all the features of eRepublik Plus in depth. I am getting various questions and your feedback so I feel that something like this is really needed. So, let’s start:


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New eRepublik Tool - eRepublic Plus got even better!!! (version 0.30 released)

30 Dan 548, 11:24 Objavljeno u Croatia Croatia

Peek-a-boo guys and gals,

eNew eRelease of eYour eFavorite eTool is eOut. More e than ever.

So, what's new?

First, Newspaper Editor is rewritten from

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eRepublik Plus - Update 0.21 is out

14 Dan 545, 14:14 Objavljeno u Croatia Croatia

Dear subscribers and the rest of the eWorld,

I know I am boring, but, you know....bugs should be resolved in a timely manner, right eRepublik Team? 😆

So, there was a major bug in 0.20, new buttons were not displayed when
writing new

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eRepublik Plus - new version 0.20 and new features

14 Dan 545, 11:26 Objavljeno u Croatia Croatia

Dear subscribers and eCitizens,

New version of eRepublik Plus is out.
In this release there is a new tool for newspaper owners that should help with editing the articles.
So, instead of just

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[EN] eRepublik Plus - updated version 0.12

5 Dan 543, 13:18 Objavljeno u Croatia Croatia

Dear subscribers and eCitizens,

eRepublik Plus
got new update since I got some more bugs reported.
Current version is 0.12.

So, as of now, there are no known or reported bugs or issues

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